If you want to transform your body as fast and effectively as possible, there are some key things to know. First, aim to slash fat by burning calories through exercise and reducing your caloric intake with a healthy diet. Second, build muscle mass through resistance training, which increases your metabolism and improves your physique so you get leaner, sculpted, and toned. Last but not least, you must be consistent. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how good your workout is; if you don't do it regularly, you just won't see any results. That's where this #1 daily workout to melt fat and build muscle comes in clutch.
If you ask most people, they struggle with consistency. However, this daily workout will seamlessly propel you toward your health and fitness goals. It's a remarkably simple routine that targets all the muscles in your body for faster benefits. It also improves several neglected areas of your body so you feel better overall. On top of that, it's not too taxing on your body so you won't be exhausted after your first day. That being said, we do still recommend taking one or two days off each week to let your body and mind recover. (On your off day, you can do something gentle like take a walk, stretch, or do yoga just to get the blood flowing.)
So read on to learn all about the #1 daily workout to melt fat and build muscle. And when you're finished, be sure to check out 9 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight All Month Long.
Hip Bridges, Sets: 3, Reps: 8

Lie on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Drive through your heels, and squeeze your glutes to push your hips up. Repeat. Do not use your lower back you pull yourself up.
Reverse Lunges with Reciprocal Reach, Sets: 3, Reps: 6 each leg

Shift your weight to your left leg, and take a step back with your right leg so that, at the bottom, your shoulders, hips, and back knee make a straight line from top to bottom. As you step backward, reach forward slightly with your right shoulder and arm, and also reach your left hand toward your left "back pocket." Keep your head facing straight ahead and your knee pointing forward, not twisting to the side. Pull yourself back up with your left leg and then alternate sides.
Wall Slides, Sets: 3, Reps: 10
Stand with your head, shoulders, and glutes against a wall. Press your forearms flush against the wall. (There should be no space between your skin and the wall). Squeeze your glutes, and press your lower back against the wall while sliding your forearms up and down the wall.
Pushup Plus, Sets: 3, Reps: 5

Get in a pushup position with your hands about shoulder-width apart. Keep your lower back flat, and don't let your hips sag. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, lower yourself, and keep your elbows close to your body as you descend. Push back up. At the top, push yourself up even further by spreading your shoulder blades away from each other. Repeat.
Band Pullapart, Sets: 3, Reps: 10

Grab an exercise band about shoulder-width apart held at chest height. Keep your elbows locked. Start by squeezing your shoulder blades together, and pull the band apart until your arms open 180 degrees. Do not arch your back.
Dead Bugs, Sets: 2, Reps: 5 each side

Lie on your back with your arms and knees in the air (like a dead bug), press your lower back into the ground, and lift your glutes. Reach out with your right leg and left leg at the same time while keeping your lower back flat on the ground, keeping your hips off the ground, and exhaling all of your air. Switch sides and repeat.
Bear Crawl, Sets: 2, Reps: 10 yards

This daily workout to melt fat and build muscle wraps up with the bear crawl. Get on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips; keep your knees an inch above the ground. Crawl forward by taking a small step with your right arm and left leg at the same time and alternate. Keep your hips low and your head up.