Are These Common Hangover Cures Legit? From Raw Eggs to Pedialyte, Experts Weigh In
An RDN and MD break down which purported hangover cures are the real deal, and which should be flushed.
L.A. Doctor's 4-Ingredient Hangover Cure Is Going Viral: "It Really Works"
The doctor recommends a concoction of vitamin B complex, magnesium, folic acid, and electrolytes to cure a hangover.
8 Best Fast-Food Orders for Hangovers
Fatty, greasy foods really can take the sting out of the morning after. A bit.
18 Worst Things to Do If You Have a Hangover
After a long night drinking, you're going to want to avoid making your hangover worse. Here's what not to do.
Eggs in Purgatory Recipe
After a long night of drinking, this dish is exactly what you need to bounce back.
7 Tips for Your Post-Thanksgiving Hangover
Indulged a bit too much on Thursday? Here, let us help.
23 Swaps to Outsmart Your Hangover Cravings
Were you a little overzealous about the benefits of alcohol—and skipped that whole "in moderation" thing? Before you reach for whatever you want to eat, try these swaps for your hangover cravings!
The 25 Best Foods for a Hangover Cure — Ranked!
Stock these foods for an easier Sunday morning sans the headache, nausea, and cotton mouth.
7 Pre-Happy Hour Foods That Prevent Hangovers
You went out, you got drunk and now you wish you could spend all day in bed.
6 Foods That Ease Every Hangover
Rough night last night? These science-backed remedies can help.