While you aren't going to be getting a filet mignon, you can find a budget-friendly steak that will satisfy your cravings.
These easy, drive-thru family bundles might come in handy on busy weeknights.
These low-quality, high-calorie foods won't leave you feeling satisfied.
The star drowned her sorrows after her Golden Globe loss with a seriously epic cheat meal.
Does taking one simple cheat day really throw you out of ketosis? Here's what the experts had to say.
The simple cheat meal can be what makes or breaks your body goals. Here's how to do it without causing too much damage.
What if we told you that you could cheat, guilt-free, and it would actually be good for you?
Anyone who's adhered to a healthy-eating plan knows that sometimes it can be a mind-bending challenge. But allowing yourself occasional indulgent "cheat meals" can make it much more palatable.
Get inspired by Instagrammers' fun and indulgent cheat meals.
To get the scoop on cheat meal strategies, we turned to six fitness gurus on how they treat themselves.
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